Saturday, February 26, 2011

Buddy Rush: Bamboo Blades

Another character I had a problem with in Buddy Rush on Facebook was Nagne. He has high offense but bad defense.

After the Pink Assault, I thought of taking three Nagnes out and see what they could do.
Bamboo Blades advance!
 Just in case, I brought some items to help me out:
Bag of Goodies
Turned out that I really needed the items.
Eat, kill.
Guess three Nagnes are not as self-reliant as three Botherellas are. They look cool though!
Back from Mission
Buddy Rush: Contents

Friday, February 25, 2011

Buddy Rush: Pink Assault

Recently, I got addicted to Buddy Rush on Facebook. It is a little click-to-whack RPG game where you create a party with your character and those of your friends' and go out on missions to beat up baddies. The game runs on the Unity Web Player, which is my first experience using that plug-in.
Pink Assault!
I thought that Botherella was not that impressive at offense or defense. Though her special ability is that she can bring the baddies down to her level. As such, if I have one in my party, I usually have another character to bring on the serious hurt.

But I wondered if I was short-selling Botherella. Thus, I decided to go on a Pink Assault with three pink Botherellas.
Botherellas (and Wolfgangs) in action
Guess an army of Botherellas could survive... right behind a summoned army of Wolfgangs.

And they can gang up on individual baddies.
Numerical Superiority
Silly question:
Did she have to ask?
Overlapping girls and dogs
Not a very good screenshot. In their rush to beat up the boss, the army literally stepped into each other, and cast multiple overlapping spells.
Successful return from the mission!
Guess Botherellas are able to hold their own!

Buddy Rush: Contents

Monday, February 21, 2011

Special Someone: Rejection

So you've found that special someone, that handsome guy that you had always had the crush on. Then when you finally worked out the courage to approach him... well, he is not interested. Or gives the let's-just-be-friends speech. Or worse, asks you to leave him alone.

Crushed and dejected, what do you do?

Most other blogs would not have tips on how to deal with rejection, with that deep hole within your heart. You could search through the internet for tips and advice. But being in a depressed state, it would be hard to comb through pages and pages of text for the right advice.

Well, it is a good thing you came by this blog post. So you can tell me what to do when you finally figured it out. So I don't have to.


What else did you expect to find in a blog devoted to humor?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Concentration Problems

I have been having problems concentrating lately. I find it hard to concentrate on my writing.

I think it is probably because I have been multitasking too much.

When multitasking, I allocate small amounts of concentration to various tasks. Because of this, certain tasks may end up with insufficient concentration. Like my writing. Where I need the concentration to evaluate if a piece of text is interesting and come up with better ways to present the story.

Maybe I multitask too much lately. Playing three online games, while reading manga, while reading the newspaper, while listening to music, while lifting weights, while doing my writing may be a bit much...


I am going to do without multitasking for a while and see how it goes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Apostrophe Craziness

I was reading this article on random apostrophization that points out that some people use the apostrophe incorrectly.

It's kind of difficult sometimes to use that punctuation mark correctly. Once in a while, I have to stop and think if I'm supposed to use 'it's' or 'its'. While writing drafts at high speed, the apostrophe just sneaks into the text without permission sometimes.

And I do want my writing to be grammatically correct, at least when it's not necessary for me to bend the rules to better convey a meaning.

Incidentally, according to this article on the usage of apostrophe, I made a grammar error in Gloriously Messed-up - maybe even more than once. Apparently, 'Sis'' should be 'Sis's'.

Big Sis' mouth dropped open.
   should be:
Big Sis's mouth dropped open.
   since Sis's is pronounced 'sissus'.
