Monday, September 5, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 42 Page 1

"Sure she's okay?" the desk clerk asked with concern. He placed a key on the counter.

"Yeah... she just had... a little much to drink," the young man drawled. He took the key and slipped it into his pocket.

Leaning against the young man for support, Sandy lifted her heavy head to look up at his smooth face. So dashing, so handsome. She wanted a kiss and leaned closer for one.

"Not now, sugar," the man said as he gently stopped Sandy with a finger on her forehead. He held one of her arms to steady her as the girl stumbled along the corridor.

Where had such a dreamy man suddenly appeared from? She could not wait to be alone with him. Oh, but she was so sleepy. Her head hurt a little from the lack of rest.

At the sound of a key jingling against its ring, Sandy looked up again. She saw that the man was unlocking the door to what she assumed was their room. Once they were in, the man released her arm, allowing her to slump onto one of the beds.

Sandy pulled off her jacket. She was alone with him! It was so exciting to finally be able to do naughty things with him. She was going to tempt him with her body.

(Yeah, Sandy had watched too much of the adult channel. It had been enough to corrupt her morals.)

Sandy reached for the hem of her top and started to pull the garment off.

"Okay, we can rest here tonight," the man said, but in a feminine voice.

Sandy froze. She suddenly remembered that the man had been Selina in disguise. They had previously stopped at a gas station for a quick change. Selina, into an attractive young man. Sandy, into someone less reputable with a glossy pink jacket, skimpy top, frilly miniskirt and an excessive amount of facial makeup.

There had been no time for rest since their flight from the previous hotel, where Sandy had been attacked in the parking lot. Somewhere along the line, Selina had also traded the red convertible but Sandy had been too drowsy to notice how it had happened or what their new ride looked like.

Sandy hurriedly smoothed down her top.

How embarrassing! She hoped that Selina had not noticed that she had really been attracted to her friend's male alter-ego, that her attempt to kiss had been genuine. It was her lack of sleep that made her do so. Yeah, that was it!

Sandy unzipped and removed her boots. Then she laid back on the bed. At least she could finally get some much needed rest. She struggled to get under the sheets, out of the cold of the room and into the comfortable depths, to hide her embarrassment.


Sandy had no complains at first about spending that Thursday hidden in a hotel room. It had allowed her to catch up with sleep. Once that was done, however, she quickly got bored. Television only held her attention for a couple of hours. There was nothing to read. And Selina was only there to bring her food.

Strangely, Sandy had never seen Selina sleeping.

Anyway, Sandy was glad to be finally allowed out of that room on Friday.

It was a warm afternoon with the sun high up in the bright blue sky and Sandy was happy. Because she got to eat ice cream. An ice cream cone was perfect for the weather.

The girls were seated on a bench eating and watching the passing cars on the city street. Sandy wore sunglasses, a wig of black hair and a wide-brim hat. She had high-heels and a summer dress. Her bra had been stuffed to make her look more matured.

Selina also wore a summer dress and she carried a large tote bag with her. They were a pair of young women out on a summer holiday.

It was kind of exciting for Sandy to sit out in public as someone she was not. Many of the passersby barely gave them a glance. A few of the younger men did, however, and Sandy was thrilled by the attention.

Was it Sandy's imagination or did Selina's skin appear brighter that day? The taller girl's skin was fair, not the brown that Sandy had been so familiar with back in school. The teenager had not seen her friend ever applying any sort of cream or lotion to her skin. So how did her skin become like that?

Sandy was sure that Selina's ponytail was a clip-on extension, brown to match her hair. The taller girl also had a digital camera hanging from her neck. Sandy wondered if the camera concealed a weapon of some sort.

"Your ice cream's going to drip," Selina told her. She had already finished her own ice-cream cone.

Sandy stopped staring at the camera and looked at her ice cream. "Oh." She licked the melted ice cream trailing down the side of the cone. Once she had thoroughly enjoyed her treat, Sandy's attention was back on the camera.

"You're really interested in my camera," Selina noted, though she had never once glanced at Sandy. Instead, she had been busy observing the people walking along the sidewalk in front of her and opposite the street.

"I'm just wondering what's inside," Sandy said.

"Lenses, electronics," Selina replied, "what you'd normally find in a camera."

Sandy leaned closer to whisper, "No hidden weapons or such?"

Selina finally looked at her. "No, it really is an ordinary digital camera."

Sandy sat back. "Huh? I was expecting something more..." She gestured vaguely with a hand that was sticky with dripped ice cream.

Selina shook her head. "A camera is too obvious a place to hide something and is too easily lost with it being a target for snatch-thieves."


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