Monday, September 24, 2012

Buddy Rush: Hungry Betty Junior (1.7.1)

Betty Junior gets hungry after Class Advancement and she is called Hungry Betty Junior.
Hungry Betty Junior
Class Advancement comes with a new weapon, er, 'status'. Betty Junior is now an adult and may now, er, do adult stuff. Like, er, drink beer? Regardless, Betty Junior is considered to have grown and is now larger, as seen in the screenshot above.
Don't know what to make of this.
Class Advancement grants Hungry Betty Junior the ability to summon GrandMa Betty.
When Hungry Betty Junior summons GrandMa Betty, the giant foot of GrandMa Betty stomps onto the ground to do lots of damage to baddies in a large area. The foot is really large and as such will block the view for a short moment. This could hide warning signs of baddies about to pull off some special attack.
GrandMa Betty stomps!
After all the screen shakes, GrandMa Betty leaves behind a giant footprint to show everyone that she had been there.
GrandMa Betty was here!
Hungy Betty Junior's other skills can be found in a previous article.

Buddy Rush: Contents

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