Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Tower of Trials Chapter 3 Page 4

In the end, a few of the remaining gang members fled. Those that did not dropped their weapons and surrendered. Tricia picked up a man from the ground by his boot. George recognized the man as the leader who had spoken earlier.

"Well, well. Now Madboy Keith's Tower is ours," Tricia told him.

It appeared that Tricia had connected her external mikes to the comm system, for George was able to hear the man's response: "You bitches, when I get the rest of the gang, you'll be sorry."

"If you think you can find enough gang members, you're welcome to try," the Vixen said in reply. Then she added ominously, "I'll give you a few broken bones next time to remember."

"You bitches," the man cursed again, and continued with a litany of other swear words.

Tricia laughed and tossed the man away with her enhanced strength.

"Ahhh, gloating over the defeated," Mabel sighed pleasantly over the comm, "One of the perks of victory!"

Tricia started poking through their vanquished enemies' belongings. "They don't seem to have anything worth taking," the Vixen reported over the radio.

"Oh, but they have some yummy food," mentioned a female voice over their communications channel. It was a voice that George did not recognize.

"Can that actually be eaten?" Tricia asked.

"Mm-hmm," was the reply, "Want some?"

"Ugh, no, thanks."

"Sure? They're very good. They added some good spice to it."

"Better not take it, Trish," Mabel advised.

"No," Tricia declined again, "some of the stuff you call 'good spice' tend to have hallucinogenic properties."

George noticed that there was someone else up among the rocks with Tricia. It was someone small, wearing a fur cloak. Well, most people would appear small next to a warrior in power armor.

"Let's get into the tower as soon as we can," Tricia decided.

Tricia and the cloaked figure walked back towards the transport. When they arrived, the armor plates protecting the windows of the transport retracted and the door opened. However, it was Mabel and the smaller, cloaked person who entered. Tricia remained outside. They closed the door to keep the dust and heat out. The ventilation fan started clearing the air.

The newcomer was a girl, with a small, delightfully cute face and bright emerald eyes.

"Squirt, meet Iona of the Catalocus," Mabel introduced the cloaked girl, "our darling member of the Scarlet Vixens."

The girl's cloak of purple fur reached to her waist, with a limp tail at the end. There were bone plates of dark brown color attached to the cloak. Under the cloak, she had a breastplate of similar bone and clothes of brown leather. She had a pair of furry purple gloves shaped like paws. There were more bone plates on her shoulders and the sides of her legs. On her feet, she had a pair of purple fur boots.

She also wore a helmet of purple fur and bone plate, shaped like a cat's head. The helmet had a pair of cat's ears on top along with a nose and whiskers above the girl's face. There were a pair of empty eye sockets above the cat's nose.

Then George realized that the fur and bone plates matched that of the panther he had seen earlier. "You killed the panther!?" he accused.

Iona held her paws to her face. "What? Oh no, I killed a panther!"

"How could you!?"

"I killed a panther, I killed a beautiful panther!" Iona wailed on.

"What's going on in there?" Tricia asked over the radio.

"Squirt thinks Iona killed the panther," Mabel explained.

"What panther?"

"The armored purple one."

Tricia laughed.

"What's so funny?" George asked sharply.

"You were so scared of that thing earlier," Mabel said.

"Yeah, but she didn't have to kill it!"

"Don't worry, the panther will be back," Mabel assured him.

"It's still alive?"

"It's still alive," Mabel told him.

"It's still alive?" Iona asked.

"Yes, it's still alive!" Mabel exclaimed.

"Oh, okay then." Iona then hummed happily to herself, as if nothing was wrong.

Through the windshield, George could see that Tricia was examining a box next to the entrance of the tower. Suddenly, the doors of the tower opened sideways.

"Only one button and it actually opens the door," Tricia commented.

Mabel drove the transport into the tower.


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