Friday, September 20, 2013

Swords & Potions 2: Week of Bugs

The main problem for me while playing Swords & Potions 2 on the Firefox browser was the display bug. First, there would be minor display errors. Restarting Firefox appeared to fix this. If I ignored those warning signs, the display went crazy like in the screenshot below:
Display goes crazy.
It affected not only the game but Firefox itself, causing grainy display errors on other webpages. If that happens, I'd have to restart the computer to fix it.

The display bug usually appeared after I loaded a certain amount of stuff (or maybe just certain stuff) on Firefox. The bug happened more often lately - it might have something to do with the Flash advertisements on Kongregate where I play Swords & Potions 2. This bug is a major turn-off for me since I'd like to be able to do something else on Firefox while waiting for resources to accumulate.

Oh, and I still had troublesome customers to deal with:
"You actually asked for something in stock, that's a first!"
Another bug, though not as serious as the display bug, that I experienced was that sometimes, after playing for a while, the game did not recognize a superior workstation that I had as a requirement for a recipe requiring an inferior workstation.
Game demands a Sawbench III.
This was what happened:
Game still demands a Sawbench III.
That was despite the fact that I had a superior version of the Sawbench, the Quality Sawbench:
It's being upgraded but it still may be used.
Restarting the game fixed this problem. The game may be restarted in the middle of a day.

Lately, many customers came asking for Guard mail for some reason:
Customer demands Guard mail.
That started after I received the Thieving Fox 2 quest, which had a Guard mail as its requirement. I wonder if there is any relation.
Thieving Fox 2 quest requires a Guard mail.
Unfortunately, I could not produce Guard mail at the time of writing.

Recently, a customer sold me a Yeti armor, which was worth 130k. Lucky! Of course I equipped a customer with it and sent it to the Tower Dungeon:
Customer with Yeti armor and Elemental Talisman.
With the Yeti armor and the Elemental talisman, the chance of getting a Moon stone was 35%.

Unfortunately, the customer returned without the Moon stone:
Only Gems and Acids.
At least she did not break anything.

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