Friday, October 4, 2013

Swords & Potions 2: Week of Quest Items

I bought a set of Guard mail from a customer. After two weeks, I finally had the Guard mail for the 'Thieving Fox 2' Quest:
Obtained Guard mail.
I needed and still need the Wounding knives to complete the requirements.

The Resistance gloves were needed for the 'Lost Explorers' Quest:
Resistance gloves obtained.
The Resistance gloves were level 13, so I doubted that a customer would sell me a pair soon. Making a pair required 2 Moon stones.
Recipe for the Resistance gloves.
A Moon stone could be used to craft an Elemental talisman, which was worth the same as the Resistance gloves and could be made faster. That was the reason why Resistance gloves were so expensive in Trade with other players. Good thing I had a few Moon stones from the Tower Dungeon.

Oh, and a customer broke another precious item:
I was only allowed to thank him!?
The Anti-elements band was worth 50k and that customer had not even returned with a Moon stone.

I had another customer who sold me another set of Guard mail:
Customer selling Guard mail.
Well, that Guard mail could be sold to please one of the many other customers who demanded Guard mails.

Yes, I still had a lot of troublesome customers:
"You actually asked for something I had, that's a first!"
And a customer sold me a set of Bagpipes, which allowed me to complete the item requirements for the 'Lost Explorers' Quest.:
Item collection, completed!
Now to gather volunteers for that Quest...

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