Monday, November 22, 2010

Gloriously Messed-up Chapter 1 Page 2

Later that afternoon, she had more visitors.

A girl burst into the room. She had short blond wavy hair that flared out around her neck. "Annie! You're awake!" she exclaimed as she went straight to the little girl's bed and pulled Annie into a hug.

Following closely behind her was a gentleman in a business suit with a serious face.

Annie was worried that the blond might accidentally pull the tube from her arm. As she kept her arm with the tube away from the newcomer, she searched her memory for a name. She found one: Carrie. "Second Sister," Annie greeted the girl.

Carrie immediately stiffened. She slowly released Annie, stepped back and stared.

Annie noticed that the man was talking to Big Sis near the door.

"Annie?" Second Sis uttered, "Annie, are you okay?"

"Aside from feeling weak, sure," Annie replied.

"Annie, you always call me by my name: Carrie."

"Do I?" Annie uttered. When the short-haired girl at the door glanced in her direction, Annie asked, "Big Sis, do I?"

"And you always call her 'Marie'!" Carrie exclaimed.

"Annie, how would you call me?" the man asked.

The girl on the bed thought for a moment before she replied: "Father."

The man blinked in surprise.

"Annie!" Carrie exclaimed, "you always call Dad 'Dad'!"

To Annie, it felt a lot like getting exam answers mostly correct for each question on what should have been her best subject. She should be scoring full marks on this.

"The doctor said it may be due to the fall," Big Sis said. Translation: Nobody knew and it was easiest to blame the obvious incident. "You'll get better," she added. She glanced at the time on her handphone then smiled to Annie. "I should get to class."

"Yes," Father agreed, "You shouldn't skip too many of them."

"Neither should Carrie," Big Sis said, "Why did you bring her?"

"I didn't," Father answered, "I found her in the lobby."

"It's because my favorite little sister is finally awake," Carrie interrupted, "Of course I'll be here."

"You could have come after school," the older sister pointed out softly, "Mum could have brought you."

"Girls, stop arguing in front of Annie," Father intervened, "Marie, you should get to class."

"You're right," Marie agreed. With a final glare at Carrie, she left.

"And Carrie, we'll talk about this later," Father added ominously.

"Yes, Dad," Carrie sighed. She held Annie's little hands. "So how do you feel?"

It certainly looked like her family was a lively one.

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