Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gloriously Messed-up Chapter 2 Page 2

As Annie was arranging the sandwiches in her lunch box, she heard Second Sis' excited voice from the dining room, "Should I go wake Annie up?"

Marie laughed gently. "Annie's in the kitchen."

"What? No way!" Carrie appeared at the doorway just as Annie was bringing her lunch box and mug out.

"Are you going to tell me that I usually oversleep?" Annie took her seat at the dining table. She stirred a teaspoon of sugar into her milk. Milk definitely tasted better a little sweet.

"Well, you are near impossible to wake in the morning." Carrie sat at her place beside her little sister.

Annie added a banana from the fruit basket into the lunch box and closed it. "Where's Mother?" She knew that Father was on a business trip.

"Mum has an early morning shift," Big Sis mentioned without looking up. She was reading a magazine at the table. "I'll take you to school and Mum will pick up up at four. Carrie has basketball today so I'll pick her up later."

Second Sis was a junior at the same high school as Annie. That would be helpful in the unlikely event that Annie forgot something. That could also annoying if Sis were to keep pointing out what she should do.

Her middle sister certainly ate a lot, almost as much as she talked. She kept mentioning about how someone named Darren was the cutest guy she had ever seen over and over and explaining each and every one of his wonderful qualities. It was amazing that Big Sis could keep reading.

What could her eldest sister be reading? Let us see... it looked like an entertainment magazine with the page turned to gossips on celebrity.

Annie was the first to finish breakfast. Well, she had the advantage. Compared to Carrie, she ate little, and she had more attention on her food. That was, what attention she could spare while listening to Second Sis and peeking at Big Sis' magazine. Anyway, the first prize was hers: the shower!

On a cold winter morning, a warm shower was definitely what she needed to prepare for the day. It was school day, though... so she had to be quick.

By the time Annie stepped out of the shower, Big Sis was already at the sink brushing her teeth. The elder sister glanced once at Annie, who was wiping herself with a yellow flowery towel, then hurriedly turned away.

As she dried her hair, Annie squeezed past Marie to meet her other sister in the cold hallway.

Carrie gave a sharp gasp of surprise. She snatched Annie's towel and wrapped the little girl in it. Then she pushed her into the younger sister's room and closed the door behind them.

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