Monday, December 20, 2010

Gloriously Messed-up Interlude 3

Hi, hi, hi! This is Carrie here again in the Narration Room!

It's time for another break. So get up from your seat, do a little stretching and relax your eyes for a moment.

Don't birthdays get you excited? The thought of getting goodies from people. Getting delicious treats and expensive meals at fancy restaurants. Getting cute huggly animals both stuffed and real. Oh, and getting pretty jewelry from that special someone.

And then of course there's the birthday cake. The sweet, sweet yummy birthday cake. With thick icing. And chocolate.

Yes, I always look forward to my birthdays! :D

And birthday is a good chance to find out what people think of you, by the gift that they give you. Yeah, well, Marie giving Carrie -Carrie, my character, not me personally- just a chocolate cupcake that she didn't even bake is a bit callous. But I suppose it's not too bad.

What's really bad are those who don't send even a birthday wish. Not even an e-mail or text message! They forgot all about me! :(

Okay, okay, I'm whining here because it's my real birthday, my real-life one, and no one here even acknowledged it! Oh, boo hoo. I'm stuck here writing this on my birthday.

Oh, and Annie's finally given up on sneaking a camera into my dressing room. Talk about relief! Now I can get dressed quickly for my part without having to check all over my dressing room.

I wish I could gossip more about Annie here but I'm not supposed to. There's a lot of secrecy around Annie that I'm not supposed to tell. And she's not even the main character! It's not yet time, they say. Spoilers, they say.


I'm going to go find a slice of chocolate cake and a candle and sing 'Happy Birthday' to myself.


Hey, it's Marie here, taking a moment off the surprise birthday party we threw for Carrie to say, well, we threw a surprise birthday party for her. She was really happy. There were actually tears in her eyes.

Anyway, I've got to go back. Hopefully the chocolate cake hasn't been served yet. Got to get my share. :)


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