Monday, July 15, 2013

Lady in the City, Part 2: The Night's Indiscretion

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
That was a great dinner, Mummy!

Scarlet-Wrapped Maiden of the Burning Arrow
The evening meal was nourishing. Shall we journey to Some Town Tavern where we may spend the night in conversation and drink?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
(yawn)... Actually, I'm tired. I'd like to go to my bed.

Scarlet-Wrapped Maiden of the Burning Arrow
My child, you have never been an early sleeper. Is something the matter?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Well... I kind of want to avoid my friends tonight...

Scarlet-Wrapped Maiden of the Burning Arrow
If that is indeed the situation, may I suggest that we visit Another Town Tavern instead?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Mmm... I don't want to. I just want to go to sleep...

Scarlet-Wrapped Maiden of the Burning Arrow
Then it must be that you wish to partake in an activity that you would rather your mother not be aware of.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace

Scarlet-Wrapped Maiden of the Burning Arrow
Very well, then. You are, after all, a grown woman. I do urge you to exercise caution and use protection. Take guard that no character of Immortal-class would take advantage of you.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
What...? Oh, um, don't worry, Mummy, I won't make the same mistake you did.


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
After bidding Mummy goodnight, it's time to sneak out into the night.

While I didn't gain any Experience Points today, Mummy let me have all the gold reward and that useless Oak Wand that was a bonus for one of the Quests. After all, she'd earn a lot more loot from her exploits in harder adventures.

That spikey-haired idiot usually spends the night at Some Town Tavern with drink, exchanging tales with other heroes. Typical Bespectacled Mage usually reads, either in a quiet corner of the Tavern or in his room. I have to watch out for Taciturn Female Healer, however, since she sometimes wanders around to look for information. There's no telling where she may-

Taciturn Female Healer
Hi, what are you doing?


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
After giving Taciturn Female Healer some excuse about taking a night walk, I've given her the slip and arrived at the door of my destination.

Hidden Doorkeeper

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I don't get why we've this secrecy. What goes on in there isn't illegal in That Other Town.

Hidden Doorkeeper
It may not be illegal, but you wouldn't want your husband to know what you're doing here, would you?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Good point. And he's not my husband.

Hidden Doorkeeper
Oops, sorry, then.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Now let me in!

Hidden Doorkeeper
Okay, okay, let me unbolt the door first.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Thank you for letting me in. And the password is 'Rose of Midnight'.

Hidden Doorkeeper

Any chance you'd go back out again so we can do this password thing the right way?


Seriously Cheating Player
You're a little late today.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I had something on. Certainly you can afford some consideration for my glorious presence.

Insignificant Fourth Player
Why certainly! Anything for a lady of your charm!

Prince of Charming Cards
The night's not going to stop for you no matter how pretty you may be! Let's start the game already!


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I've three Jacks!

Seriously Cheating Player
Sorry, I've three Kings.

Insignificant Fourth Player

Prince of Charming Cards
Quadruple Deuces.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Sugar plums!

Seriously Cheating Player
'Sugar plums'? What happened to your usual 'damn it'?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Just trying out a new minced oath. I'm looking for something more graceful.

Seriously Cheating Player
I really doubt a minced oath can be graceful.

Prince of Charming Cards
Can we get started with the next hand already?


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Four Aces!

Insignificant Fourth Player
I fold.

Prince of Charming Cards
Five Aces!

Seriously Cheating Player
Sorry to disappoint everyone, but I've Eight-and-a-half Aces!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Double Deuces!

Seriously Cheating Player
Is that what you have? I thought it was-

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
No, I'm trying another minced oath.

Prince of Charming Cards
Please don't use that here. It's confusing.

Seriously Cheating Player
Plus, it'll hint that you play cards. You don't want people to know that, right?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Hmm... that's a good point.


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Cherry tarts!

Seriously Cheating Player
Please stop using food as minced oaths. You're making me hungry.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I'm out of gold.

Seriously Cheating Player
You're going to stop?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Don't be silly. Can I borrow some gold? Pretty please?

Insignificant Fourth Player
Why, certainly! Anything for you!

Seriously Cheating Player
Now that's done, let's start the next hand!


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
One more game!

Seriously Cheating Player
I'd like to but isn't it sunrise soon?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Damn it! I'd better go!

Seriously Cheating Player
What happened to trying out a new minced oath?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
No time to think of one!

Prince of Charming Cards
She's gone.

... We're still playing, right?

Seriously Cheating Player
Oh, most definitely! Let's invite Another Fourth Player to join us.


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I made it back before sunrise! It's good that I had insisted on my own room. It's easier for me to sneak back in-

Taciturn Female Healer
You're up early today!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Eek! Erm... (Yawn), I'm just back from the washroom... back to sleep...

... (Sigh) What rotten luck to run into Taciturn Female Healer...

... Hope she bought my excuse... Ah, sweet comfy bed...

Damn it, Taciturn Female Healer saw me in my full adventuring gear!


Part 1: The Bonding Session
Part 3: The Afternoon After

Adventures of Heroes Who Talk Too Much

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