Monday, July 18, 2011

Buddy Rush: Toxy's Skill Reference (1.3)

This is a reference for Toxy's skills, so you know what that Toxy buddy of yours can do. This is not a skill guide since I do not have Toxy and therefore, cannot experiment with her gameplay style.
Thanks to reader Jonathan for providing the screenshots of Toxy's skills. Everyone, say 'Thank you' to him.
I'm so sorry
This skill gives Toxy a buff that appears as green glows around her hands. While the buff is active, she does additional poison damage with the ability to turn her target green with poison.
Poison Explosion
With this skill, Toxy will step up to her target and deliver a powerful attack. If the target is poisoned when the skill hits, there will be an explosion of poison from the target. Not sure if the explosion does area effect damage, though.
Infectious Poison
When hit by this skill, an Oblin will be poisoned and green projectiles will circle out of that Oblin. If a green projectile hits another Oblin, that Oblin is poisoned and more green projectiles may fly out. A great skill to use on lots of targets.
Dangerous Girl
This skill boosts Toxy's toxicity by increasing her poison damage and chance of inflicting poison.
Absorbing the nutrition
This skill allows Toxy to recover health as she attacks. It appears to apply to damage-over-time inflicted by her poison too. Not sure if it applies to damage from pillars in raids while Toxy is the main character.

Also, note that the effectiveness of this skill is very bad at low skill levels - it seldom activates and little health is gained.
Swift attack
This is a popular skill - I have seen many players maxing out this skill. The penalty to Att is a small price for the increased Hit Speed. As an added bonus, it also boosts Evade to help keep Toxy alive long enough for her to absorb some nutrition.
Addicting snack
Addicting snack increases the power of skills. Since it is an aura, it also affects party members. This makes Toxy a useful buddy to pair with buddies that depend on skills to do damage, like Wizz and Nagne.


I get the feeling that Toxy is a little inconsistent, wavering between admitting that she made poison with her cooking and feeling indignant that her cooking is criticized. Anyway, with this reference, you should now know where all those green numbers flying from Toxy come from.

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