Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Buddy Rush: Wizz's Skill Reference (1.3)

Update 1.3 came with a full revamp of the skill system. The level cap is now 20 and the cost of each skill level is fixed at 2 skill points. Each character has three active skills and four passive ones. For many of the characters, the last passive skill is an aura that gives bonuses to fellow party members too.

This article is a reference for Wizz's skills so you know what that Wizz buddy of yours can do. This is not a skill guide - I do not have a Wizz, so I cannot experiment with the skills.

Screenshots here are courtesy of my fellow buddy Bebe. Everyone, say 'Thank you' to my buddy.
With this skill, Wizz stomps a circular field of fire. Good area and damage.
Freeze creates a small cloud of ice that slows any Oblin in it or who wanders into it. I am not sure if it also slows the Oblin's attack speed (it did before Update 1.3). If it does, the reduction in attack speed is small.
This skill creates a ball of lightning that zaps from target to target dealing high damage to each. The ball may have trouble reaching some targets - such as those hidden outside the play area or behind walls. Also, the ball interrupts.

Z-flash is the reason I do not bring a Wizz whenever I go up against Esline the 'Sercubus' in Chapter 6. Not sure if they changed anything with Esline in Update 1.3, but I am not about to let my character be blasted by a Z-flash just to find out!
This skill should be obvious to those with wisdom.
Fire Burning
Oblins affected by this will have little bursts of fire around them.
Excercise for Survival
This skill should also be obvious.
For the Friends
This skill increases the MP Regen of all members in the party.

With this article, you should know what that Wizz buddy of yours is capable of.

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