Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dungeon Raid, Part 1: The Choosing

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
I am Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman with my Big-Ass Sword. Having endured an interminable week of rest at the Reasonably Comfortable Inn of Some Backwater Crossroad, my Hit Points are renewed to its fullest capacity and I am again fit for adventure. Today, shall I venture forth to explore a Dungeon with my dear companions, who shall now introduce themselves!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I am Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace and after a week of inactivity, I am happy to finally be able to loot gold again!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
I am Typical Bespectacled Mage and I am glad to finally see the end of a week of incessant whining. Also, why are we introducing ourselves in such a cliched manner?

Taciturn Female Healer
I am Taciturn Female Healer and I say cliched introductions are necessary to remind people that I'm classed as a Barbarian!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
We still need a Healer!


Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
By the good grace of Taciturn Female Healer, we have in our possession a list of Dungeons situated close to our location that we may visit upon our earliest convenience, which is to say, at this very moment!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
We should select a Dungeon to Raid.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Let's look at the first... Bloody Gorge That Guarantees Jagged Death. Sounds ominous.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
The reason for that ominousness is likely because it's a high-level Dungeon for us!


Typical Bespectacled Mage
Miasma-Filled Cave Of Deadly Purple Ponies is no good either. That Dungeon is just too difficult for us.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
It's nearly an hour already, and we've checked a total of four Dungeons already, and each and every one of them were high-level Dungeons already.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
We've been inspecting them in the order on Taciturn Female Healer's list of Dungeons.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
This is suspicious... Taciturn Female Healer, did you list all the high-level Dungeons first?

Taciturn Female Healer
Yes! We should try one and get lots of Experience!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
And risk getting knocked Out again? No, thanks! Let's skip to the middle of the list and choose one without an ominous name!


Typical Bespectacled Mage
Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace, that's the fourth Dungeon you've refused!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
That one didn't promise good loot either.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
If it did, it'd be so full of adventuring parties that there'll be nothing left for us! We can't just pick a Dungeon based on loot! Let's attempt the next Dungeon that is at our level!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Next on the list, there is this... Not Difficult Dungeon Under Renovation.

Taciturn Female Healer
And it just happens to be under renovation. I don't think there'll be anyone to beat up.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
Gah, okay, the next one after this!


Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
We have visited Another Dungeon Under Renovation and have found the Dungeon to be under renovation and unavailable for Raids. We have visited Yet Another Dungeon Under Renovation to discover that it was under renovation. And we have visited The Third Dungeon Under Renovation and it too was under renovation!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
Seriously, what are the chances that the last few Dungeons that we find which are at our level are all under renovation!?

Taciturn Female Healer
What about this Dungeon, Tame Mossy Caverns Of Purple Flowers?

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
I observe that the Dungeon under consideration does provide the right amount of challenge for the level of our party!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
Hmm... and it does have reasonable amounts of loot, and it is open for business! Let's try this!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Just a minute. Who's the Dungeon Boss?

Typical Bespectacled Mage
The signboard at the front of the Dungeon says it's Brawny Stone-Axed Brute, a Common Minotaur. Why?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Oh, nothing... just making sure it isn't a female.


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