Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Request to Transfer Account

Address of Sender
Address Line 2

Address of Recipient
Address Line 2

Dear Sir,

Request to Transfer Account

I would like to request that my account (Account Number: XXX) be transferred from your branch on X Street to the branch on Y Street.

I do realize that the designated new branch is a mere five blocks away from the old one. However, the new branch is closer to my place of residence and as such would require less time and fuel to commute there.

The global fuel reserves are running low. The use of the extra fuel required to commute to the further branch on X Street would worsen the fuel crisis. This would lead to an increase in fuel prices, indirectly increasing the prices of many other of life's essentials, further deteriorating the economy.

In addition, the burning of hydrocarbon fuel pollutes the environment. The use of fuel releases harmful gasses that in addition to deteriorating the air quality would cause the greenhouse effect, contributing to global warming. Thus, we should all do our part to reduce, if not eliminate, all unnecessary use of fuel.

And when the zombie apocalypse arrives, the survivors in the city will be certain to search for supplies of fuel so that they may transport themselves to a place of safety. By commuting to the further branch on X Street, I may expend the little fuel that the survivors require, leaving them to stare at the sky and scream "Why!?" as legions of zombies bear down on their last fortified position.

Thus, for the reasons stated, I hope you will expedite the transfer of my account to the branch on Y Street.

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely,
Name of Sender.

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