Saturday, September 3, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 41 Page 3

Sudden fear gave her strength. The teenager hurried to the parking lot. It took her a moment to remember that they had arrived in a red convertible. She went to the car and fumbled with the key in the light rain. She glanced over her shoulder when she thought she saw a shadow move.

Sandy noticed the fob on the keyring and pushed the button to unlock the car. She tossed the bags into the backseat and got into the driver's seat. It took her a moment to figure out which key fitted in the ignition, which was remarkable since there was only one key on the keyring.

Once she had done all that Selina had asked of her, Sandy sat back. She started brushing the water off her jacket sleeves and head. That itch was still annoying her so she undid her pants and pulled it off, taking care not to remove her shorts too. She reached back for the green bag and unzipped it. As she was searching through the bag for pants, the car door beside her opened. Sandy turned in time to see a man in a large overcoat reaching for her.

That was definitely not Selina. And Sandy should have locked the door. And she really, really should not let her mind wander when she was being held around her face! His hand was wet and dripping water on her and, no, stop thinking about unimportant things!

The man twisted Sandy's face toward himself, possibly to have a good look at her. His own features were hidden by a wide-brim hat.

Sandy wanted to scream but she was too afraid.

Then the man pulled out a knife.

Sandy's fear shot through the roof. Instinctively, she caught the man's arm with both hands in a desperate attempt to keep the knife away from her. She was successful in stopping the knife. But she could not prevent the man's other hand from closing around her neck.

Then the man fell on one knee. He released his grip on Sandy's neck.

Selina was there behind the man. She struck the back of his head with her bracelet. She grabbed the man from behind before he hit the ground. Then she dragged the man onto the corridor beside the parking lot and propped him against the wall.

Selina went back to the car. "Move over," she said.

Sandy slid over into the passenger seat.

Selina entered, kicked Sandy's discarded pants aside and started the engine. She reversed the car. Once they were out of the hotel parking lot, she said, "We'll stop somewhere, get a different disguise. We'll have to switch cars again."

Sandy yawned. "Why did we have to leave in such a hurry? You got him, didn't you?"

"I got the two that I know of," Selina told her, "They may've friends, or told someone and... the security camera."

"What about the camera?"

"The hotel security camera. Forgot about it." Selina accelerated down a straight road. "If the clerk isn't asleep, he might've seen me fight that man in the parking lot. He'll call the police.

"The police alone isn't bad - they're on our side. But others may be monitoring the police frequency. We've to get away fast."

Sandy held her elbows. "I wish you'd just kill them all and finish this."

Selina glanced at Sandy with narrowed eyes. "Dead people leave bodies and bodies attract attention. Besides, I don't know how many of them there are. One or two I may be able to handle. Three, I'll have to leave you and run."

Sandy's eyes grew wide. "You'd leave me?"

Selina looked at her again. "Face it. If I can't save you, there's no point dying with you. That's how it works in this business."

"But don't you care for me?" Sandy asked.

As they waited for the traffic lights at a junction, Selina twisted towards Sandy. "That's why I'm trying to avoid the situation in the first place," she snapped, "and that's why we're running."

Sandy was tired. She wished she could sleep. But it was difficult, knowing that there were people who wanted her dead. If she nodded off, she might never wake again. "Can't you leave me somewhere safe and take care of them?"

The light changed and Selina accelerated. "You've been watching too many action movies," she chided, "The people back at the hotel are only one team. You've at least two other teams after you that I know of, perhaps even more that I don't know of. They may not be as good as Nick, that first man who was after you, but they are many. Whoever wants you dead really wants you dead."

Sandy sat back in her seat silently. That many people were out to kill her!? "How're we going to handle so many people?"

"That's why we're running and hiding," Selina told her.


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