Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gloriously Messed-up Interlude 1

Hi, hi, hi! This is Carrie here in the Narration Room! Or rather, I'm the actor for Carrie in the story. You can call me Carrie. If you've been reading Gloriously Messed-up from the start, you may want to take a little break now. You know, to 'digest' what you've read - think over all that has happened, relive the fun moments. :D

I'm here to distract you long enough so you can resist the temptation to jump into the next chapter immediately. Trust me, you'll enjoy the following chapters more once you've stepped away for a bit. Come on, go do something fun - watch TV or go play in the sun. Kids of your generation still play in the sun, don't they? Don't know how many years, or dare I type, decades, these stray words of mine will be around on the Internet.

Oh yeah, this is the Narration Room, where we add texts into the story, things that can't be recorded the usual way, like Annie's thoughts and feelings. The story can also be edited here. We can correct errors or improve on the recorded texts.

Unfortunately, there are no cameras here so you can't see what's going on. You can only read what I'm typing here. Or if a mike is set up, what I say here.

Hmmm, that's a pretty long-winded explanation from me.

Hey, you still reading? Come on, at least get up and stretch a little.

Don't you need to use the toilet?


Hey, did you know that Annie has a very big birthmark? On her bum! It's true! A big black one the size of Texas!



Okay, it's Annie here in the Narration Room. Let me tell you now that I do not have a birthmark on my ass. That was a lie!


Hey, do you want some photos of Carrie changing in her dressing room? I'll go get some. Look on the Internet for them. You still have the Internet in your time, don't you?


This is Carrie here again in the Narration Room. Um... wow, that explains why the production crew said they saw Annie skulking about with a camera. I'm going to have to lock my dressing room door.


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