Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 15 Page 2

"You be like Samuel L Jackson when you say we got the turkey," Celeste told Momma Lois.

Momma Lois looked at her with a grin. "Child, I can't be marrying Samuel L Jackson when I be Samuel L Jackson!" She went over to the stove to continue cooking.

"You be Regina King then," Celeste suggested.

"Yeah, your Momma's gonna to be a star..."

The girls laughed.

Could Sandy be a star? She could go to Hollywood and become an actress. Acting in front of a camera sounded like an easy job. And she would get paid a lot of money. In addition to that, there were all the celebrities who she would meet. It was all a good dream except for one minor detail: how was she going to get to Hollywood?

The doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Celeste volunteered and left the kitchen.

Sandy wondered who their visitor could be. Could it be that one of their dinner guests had arrived early? She should have offered to answer the door. Then she would have her answer and a moment of respite away from her chore.

Presently, Celeste returned. "Everyone, look who's here."

A fair-skinned girl with curly red hair entered the kitchen wearing a bright smile on her face.

"Lisa!" Sandy exclaimed happily.

"Lisa, you're looking good as always," Momma Lois complimented.

"Thank you, Momma," Lisa replied politely.

"Can you take over the kitchen?" Momma Lois asked, "I've a turkey to get."

"Sure thing, Momma. Leave it to me." Lisa put on an apron.

Momma Lois hung up her own apron and left the room.

Lisa surveyed the kitchen to see what needed to be done. Back when she still stayed at the home, Lisa cooked sometimes. She had a talent for the kitchen. And she was handy with the house chores.

Sandy realized that since the cheerful girl had left, her own share of duties had increased.

Their new head chef let the girls continue what they were doing and went to the stove to cook. There was the distant sound of a car engine coming to life. Or rather, attempting to come to life. It started after the third try.

"So, how's college?" Celeste asked.

"It's great," Lisa replied. She told the girls tales about life in college, about the friends she had made, about the classes she had attended. She also mentioned the gatherings with friends - small dinners and parties they had after lessons were over.

Sandy was attracted by the freedom that Lisa experienced in college. There was no one to boss the older girl around. She could hang out with friends all day long. She could choose her own diet.

"Sound's like college's fun," Sandy commented. Certainly it was something that she could look forward to in the future.

"Yes, it is," Lisa agreed, "You have to study hard to enter college, though." She glanced over her shoulder at Sandy. "Have you finished your holiday homework yet?"

Why was everyone reminding her of that!?

Lisa laughed when the brown-haired girl did not reply. "Sandy, you never change."


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