Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 36 Page 2

Sandy followed after Ariel.

According to the arrangement, she would meet with the police patrol car a distance down the street. Thus far, her caution had not attracted the attention of Keith the reporter-wannabe. He had not noticed that the patrol car parked opposite the school would tail Sandy right up to the pickup point.

That afternoon, however, Sandy had attracted the attention of some other people.

Outside the school, after Ariel had left in her mum's car, Sandy walked along the sidewalk. She glanced back once to see that the patrol car was making a U-turn. Yeah, it would follow her soon.

Then there was a screech of tires. Sandy turned around to see that an old green sedan had stopped on the sidewalk right in front of her, blocking her way. A big man sprang out of the back seat, grabbed Sandy with her schoolbag and pulled her into the car. It was all over so quick that the brown-haired girl barely had a chance to gasp.

"Got the girl, let's go," the big man said to the driver.

The car jumped back onto the street. Students on the sidewalk dodged out of its way to avoid a painful visit to the hospital. Immediately, there was the sound of police sirens.

"The cops!" the big man exclaimed, "How'd they get here so quick!?"

Uh, duh! They were just further along the street!

The car drove at a dangerous speed through the suburb. It was garbage collection day for that particular area. More than a few of the garbage bins left at the side of the street were knocked over by the car in its haste to flee from the police. Fortunately, the refuse had already been collected or there would be an even bigger mess to clean.

The driver cursed. "The cops in this town act real fast!"

"Where'd they come from!?" the big man holding Sandy asked.

Could it be that these two buffoons actually had not noticed the patrol car? How much more incompetent could they get?

The green sedan squeezed in between two other vehicles in traffic and sideswiped another car that had been traveling in the opposite direction. The police was still relentlessly chasing them.

"No time to get her to sign the paper. I say we just kill her!" the big man suggested.

Sandy's eyes widened in alarm.

"You kill her, we'll hang! I say we get rid of her and try again later!" the driver said back.

Actually, those two should just give up. Clearly they were much too incompetent for a life of crime.

The car swerved into another road.

"Okay, we get rid of her." The big man opened the door on Sandy's side, clearly intending to throw her from a speeding vehicle.

The car suddenly turned, throwing Sandy against the man and causing the door to slam shut again. Throwing her out would not be so simple, it appeared.

The big man reached for the door again. That time, the door collided with the back of a pickup that their car was overtaking, knocking it close again.

The car turned at the next junction into another street. In the opposite direction, two police patrol cars approached with lights flashing and sirens blaring, each car occupying one of the two available lanes. The driver spun the car to a halt. He tried to turn back the way they had come but their pursuer blocked the way.

The driver drove the car off the road and onto the sidewalk. The patrol car that had been behind them followed and rammed the kidnappers' car into the wooden fence between two houses. It was good that there were no pedestrians on the sidewalk at that time.

Officers emerged from their vehicles and proceeded to apprehend the would-be kidnappers.

Sandy survived with a few bumps and bruises from being thrown about within a fast-moving vehicle. Let that be a lesson to everyone to always wear seat belts when riding a car.


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