Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Attack of the Troop of Goblin Raiders, Part 1: The Introduction

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
I am Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman with my Big-Ass Sword. With the party that I have assembled, I shall defend the Ubiquitous Backwater Village from the Troop of Goblin Raiders!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I am Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace and I shall provide the eye-candy, erm, I mean, fire support with my trusty bow!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
I am Typical Bespectacled Mage! With my mastery over the arcane, I shall provide magic support to the party!

Taciturn Female Healer
And I am Taciturn Female Healer and I shall do my best to support the party in their quest overcome this threat to the Ubiquitous Backwater Village!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Explain to me something...

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Yes, Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Why is Taciturn Female Healer dressed in furs and leathers and wielding a two-handed ax that is larger than her tiny frame?

Taciturn Female Healer
That's because instead of following the hopes and dreams of my parents when they named me, I have decided to become a Barbarian to smite great foes with raw strength!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
We have no Healer!!!


Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Worry not, Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace. I have bought two Cases of Healing Potions with the advance money I have received from the villagers.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
That's good to know.

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Two cases should be just enough to meet all my personal healing needs in this upcoming battle!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Could you see it in your heart to give me a few bottles? Pretty please?

Typical Bespectacled Mage
I wouldn't advise taking any of his Healing Potions. He's the frontline fighter. If he falls, the Goblins will be coming after you next.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
We need a Healer!!!


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Tell me you've potions too.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman bought me a case of potions. It should be more than enough for the upcoming battle.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
So, ah, you wouldn't mind letting me have some? Pretty please with Sugar on Top?

Typical Bespectacled Mage
I supposed I could let you have a couple. Here.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
These are Mana Potions!!!


Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
How many Healing Potions did that idiot buy for you?

Taciturn Female Healer
I have four.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
That many? How many would you need for this battle? Is there any you can spare for me?

Taciturn Female Healer
With my large pool of Hit Points, I am confident that I have more than enough Healing Potions for the battle. I can give you one.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
... This is only a single bottle...

Taciturn Female Healer
Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman only bought me four Bottles of Healing Potion.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
We definitely need a Healer!!!


Typical Bespectacled Mage
Explain to me something...

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Well, I suppose I can answer a question from an intellectual such as you.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
What did Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman buy for you with our advance payment?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Oh, er, he bought me a full Quiver of Arrows.

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
And the Silver Hairpin!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
Silver Hairpin? What stats does that have?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
She said it matches the Silver Clasp that she asked me to buy for her cloak!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
I see... and the stats?

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
The Silver Hairpin gives +10 to Charisma! The Silver Clasp gives +10 to Charisma! Together, they give a set effect of an additional +10 to Charisma! What a bargain!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
They look pretty.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
I have no words for this...

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