Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Attack of the Troop of Goblin Raiders, Part 4: The Debrief

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Explain to me something...

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Yes, Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Isn't this the part when we all celebrate with drinks and food and all-night dancing and stuff after a quest!? We're still sitting around a table with papers and quills and ink!

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Ah, but Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace, the Debrief is an important part of any quest! It is when we gather to compare notes, identify what we did right, what we did wrong and where we can improve!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman took classes on Party Management in the School for Aspiring Adventurers. Didn't you attend such classes where you schooled?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Uh, well, I did take Party Management at the College for Glamorous Heroes... to manage parties with food, drinks and all-night dancing and stuff... We had parties five days a week at college...


Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
We have driven back the Troop of Goblin Raiders and we have collected the rest of our gold reward! I shall claim that our quest to Defend the Ubiquitous Backwater Village a success!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I wouldn't call it a complete success, seeing that I lost all my Hit Points. I won't be able to go on any quest for a week!

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Then shall we pay for a Resurrection for you, Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Ah, that shan't be necessary. That's going to eat into our profits, isn't it? Besides, we don't have any quests lined up. I can just take the week off to relax and do some shopping.

Taciturn Female Healer
So is that the final decision of the matter concerning the Resurrection of Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace?

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Yeah, yeah. Just give me my share of the gold. Goodness, you're starting to sound like Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman.

Taciturn Female Healer
Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman, the Blacksmith of Ubiquitous Backwater Village offered a quest to find his only son who was lost in Eerily Dark Woods.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Wait a minute!!!


Typical Bespectacled Mage
I'd like to point out my mistake of underestimating the amount of Mana Potion that I require for this quest.

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Yes, that was a mistake that could have cost us dearly. However, I still have half-a-case of Healing Potions and Taciturn Female Healer still has a Bottle of Healing Potion. I propose that we reduce our expenditure on Healing Potions in the future!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Wait a minute!!!


Typical Bespectacled Mage
I must say that that was a great bluff that you pulled on Goblin Warlord. If he had held his ground, he would have eventually won.

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
It was not a bluff. I merely left out the fact that you, Typical Bespectacled Mage, were running out of Mana Points and would in short time be unable to protect the flank of Taciturn Female Healer with your Shield Spell!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
They'll be back next week, you know.

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
And Ubiquitous Backwater Village shall hire us to meet the Goblins on the field of battle again!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
You planned this scheme of extorting gold from the village, didn't you?

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