Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Attack of the Troop of Goblin Raiders, Part 2: The Battle

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Explain to me something...

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Yes, Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Why are we fighting the Troop of Goblin Raiders on this Meadow of Nothing But Grass?

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
That is to spare the village and its population the horrors of war. By stopping the fight before it gets to their homes, we will ensure that the good people may live their lives peacefully!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Yes, but we're standing in the open here...

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
To defiantly meet the advancing forces of the opposing side!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
...and half of the Goblins entering the other end of the Meadow of Nothing But Grass are carrying bows...

Typical Bespectacled Mage
Shields up!


Typical Bespectacled Mage
Explain to me something...

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Yes, our reliable Typical Bespectacled Mage!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
You are the Fighter with almost all of the Healing Potions...

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
That is correct.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
She is the Archer-

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
-of Epic Grace!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
And she is the Barbarian with lots of Hit Points...

Taciturn Female Healer
That I am!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
And I am the Mage, the one with the least number of Hit Points...

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
You have described our entire party exactly as they are!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
So why are the three of you hiding behind me!?

Taciturn Female Healer
The Goblins are raining arrows on us, there's no cover on this Meadow of Nothing But Grass and you're the only one with a Shield (Spell)!


Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Our opposition, the Troop of Goblin Raiders, have expended their supply of arrows!

Typical Bespectacled Mage
Lucky! I just ran out of Mana Points and Mana Potions!

Taciturn Female Healer
They are charging!

Cliched Spikey-Haired Swordsman
Taciturn Female Healer, let us march forth to meet their charge!

Taciturn Female Healer

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Did you really finish a whole Case of Mana Potions?

Typical Bespectacled Mage
A whole case, less the two I gave you. I guess I underestimated the number I require.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
I guess I can return you the two you gave me.

Typical Bespectacled Mage
That's charitable of you.

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace
Hey, the few Goblins whom those two knuckleheads let through! The Mage now has Mana Points and is now a threat again! Some of you, go for him!


Female Goblin Stabber #4
Hey, Female Goblin Stabber #7 stabbed that Archer, didn't she?

Female Goblin Stabber #8
In the face too!

Female Goblin Stabber #4
But that Archer is still pretty isn't she?

Female Goblin Stabber #8
Gorgeous too!

Female Goblin Stabber #4
And those items of her's make her look nice, don't they?

Female Goblin Stabber #8
+30 to Charisma with Set Effect!

Female Goblin Stabber #4
That Archer is too pretty! She's the enemy of all females alive!

Female Goblin Stabber #8
All female Goblins attack that Archer!

Gorgeous Lady Archer of Epic Grace

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