Monday, February 4, 2013

Buddy Rush: February 2013 Comedy Screenies

Here is another collection of screenies.

The previous collection can be found here.

Here is something that I had not seen for a while:
A potion bottle.
The potion gives xp.

Update 21 February 2013:
Nagne Stuns with 'Leaf Slash' and 'Striking a vital spot'.
Everyone sees stars!
In that same Raid, I found this in a Treasure Chest:
Now I have both of Wizz's purples and I don't have a Wizz!
At least I now know that level 97 purples can be obtained from SD-91's Raid.

Update 8 March 2013:
Not many screenies lately, so I'll add the ones I found in March here.

Skully failed to loot the treasure chest in time. She attempts to hide it by distracting the buddies.
"Look over there!"
Update 14 March 2013:
Everyone celebrates the end of Challenge Mode... except Botherella who is flat on the ground...
"Help, please?"
Update 19 March 2013:
Boorseye shot himself.
Actually, he trip and fell but is too embarrassed to admit it.

Buddy Rush: Contents

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