Friday, February 15, 2013

Buddy Rush: Worrier's Skill Guide (1.8.0)

I found no reference to Burning Worrier after the Ninth Wave. Looks like Worrier is just Worrier again. Anyway, the Ninth Wave rearranged the whole skill system so here is an updated guide to Worrier's skills.
With this skill, Worrier will attack several times quickly with enhanced damage. This skill has low CoolTime and is good against single targets. If a target goes down before all the attacks are used, Worrier will attack another target within range. Beware the very short range of this skill.
Mockery attracts the attention of Oblins. This skill is useful to direct the attacks of Oblins away from buddies. This skill can also help lure Oblins into the attack range of buddies' skills. To help Worrier keep the attention of Oblins, Worrier also gets a Defense (and allegedly, an Evade) boost.
ShockWave throws a wave in the direction Worrier is facing, doing a lot of damage (as the description suggests). This skill is best aimed manually (i.e. used untargeted - direct Worrier to move the desired direction and fire) rather than used targeted (click/select the target). Aiming manually gives better control, allowing more targets to be hit by aiming between them. Just beware its narrow area of effect.

ShockWave can stun the targets hit (probably based on Worrier's Stun). ShockWave goes through walls and terrain.

At the start in Arena, ShockWave is good for greeting the opponents and attracting their attention.
Hammer of Passion
'Hammer of Passion' throws a large hammer at the target, doing damage and Stun to targets in a large area. The hammer also does damage an extra time to the target. It is uncertain if this extra damage is only to the target or if it applies to a very small area around the target when used untargeted.

Allegedly, the hammer grows in size with skill level. Not sure if this affects the area of effect.

The Hammer of Passion can be thrown over a wall when used targeted.
Unbreakable now increases Worrier's Attack along with his Defense.
Getting Strong
In addition to increasing Worrier's Max HP, 'Getting Strong' also reduces the chance that Worrier is Stunned. With short Stun duration and the fact that Worrier's Active Skills execute quickly, Stun does not affect him much anyway.

The extra Max HP helps increase the healing effectiveness of red orbs when Worrier is the main character.
The Fear is Gone
'The Fear is Gone' improves Worrier's damage dealing potential by improving his SkillPow and Skill CoolTime. This is good when combined with Chopchop since it allows the skill to be spammed more often. To a lesser extent, this skill also works well with ShockWave and 'Hammer of Passion'. It also allows Mockery to be used sooner to protect weaker buddies.
Blunt Aura
'Blunt Aura' is one of The Almighty Skills, improving Worrier's and buddies' Stun potential. This is good when combined with buddies with high Attack Speed like Skully and Nagne.

Surprisingly, not only is the skill not nerfed, its potential has been improved.

Remember that there are Oblins who are immune to Stun (Genzir the Storm).


All of Worriers skills are useful such that it is okay to evenly distribute all the skill points. At the very least, with at least 5 levels in each skill, Worrier will be versatile. Alternatively, skill points may be allocated to make Worrier either an offense character or one suited to defense and protection.

Buddy Rush: Contents


  1. 1 Question. How do I know which the attacking skills is based on Attack and which is based on Skill Power.

    1. All Active Skills are based on Attack. Skill Power boosts the damage even further.
