Friday, February 8, 2013

Robot Rising: Speed Build, Level 16

I played Robot Rising a long time ago, back when it was still in Beta. At one point, they decided to reset the game (I think it was the end of Beta) and I had been too lazy to start all over again.

A short while ago, a Robot Rising newsletter in my e-mail reminded me of the game and I thought I would give it a try again. There had been many changes since then. The change I liked the most is that the Mobility equipment were faster and I can explore complexes quicker.

It was much easier to catch up again with the new Generation Building to generate resources and components. Since I was in the Beta, I was awarded with Robobucks, which I had used to unlock an additional two Generation Buildings beyond the free first one. When I realized that I would not be spending Robobucks on anything else, I went ahead and bought the fourth Generation Building. All these buildings helped me gather resources and components to build my base and equipment.
Exploring complexes.
Another new feature I noticed was the target information (at the bottom right of the screenshot above). Now I know who/what I am blasting/frying/frosting/perforating.

I developed a fast robot build with level 16 (and below) equipment based around the M104 LSF Shaken chassis.
The fast robot.
A lot of time in Complexes is spent on moving around, so added speed is good. It also allows me to evade attacks better. For that, I equipped the M91b 2.6t Glider (manufactured at the Robotics Factory). This piece of equipment has excellent speed and decent defense.
M91b 2.6t Glider
Additional speed also allows good hit-and-run tactics. The Frostglaive may have puny damage and no Alt-Fire but it has the side effect of slowing targets it hits. This weapon will help keep short-range baddies away.
I also equipped the FDR Firebug mainly for its Napalm Pool Alt-Fire. The Napalm Pool is good for damaging groups of baddies that I can then finish off easily.
FDR Firebug
The trouble with high speed is that I sometimes end up in the middle of baddies because I was driving too fast to notice them on sensors. So I equipped the MPU16 10kk Blaster for its Coolant Cloud Alt-Fire. This will buy me some time to take care of the baddies. In addition, the Coolant Cloud can be used offensively. With the robot's speed, I can rush into the middle of a group of baddies and active the Coolant Cloud before they react (they usually take a fraction of a second to start firing).
MPU16 10kk Blaster
All these weapons are area effect and thus, can harm multiple targets. Oh, and they are all Fuel-type damage, so I should watch for fuel-resistant baddies.
Frying and frosting at the same time.
A recent update added this cool new feature, the ability to generate a pretty picture of my robot:
I should make a poster of this.

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