Friday, August 9, 2013

Swords & Potions 2: After Another Week

Another week has passed and I'm still playing Swords & Potions 2. I have some control over the addiction now so I can stop myself from playing too much. :p

The main reason for the addiction is the sheer simplicity of the game. With a few clicks, I have a product. With a few more clicks, I sell the product for gold. Wished it was as simple to make money in real life.

Another factor is that I'm in a town with active players, actively developing the town. Playing with other active players towards a common goal really does encourage one to keep playing.

Then there is the 'one more turn' syndrome. In this case, it is 'one more day', where I just have to play for 'one more day' when it is time for bed.
What's a 'blog'-lodyte!?
That display bug I mentioned previously is still there. My guess is that the game messes with the memory allocated to Firefox's display. This happens when Firefox uses too much memory. If I play another Flash game while Swords & Potions 2 is on, the problem does not happen, probably because that other Flash game has already a fixed amount of memory allocated. However, if I read manga while waiting for resources in Swords & Potions 2, the problem is likely to occur. That is because loading manga will keep on demanding more memory.

I hope this technical problem will be fixed soon.

Oh, and I found out that rare ingredients like Acid and Faery's Tears can be looted from dungeons.
Acid is a green loot from Castle Catacombs.
I also found that Precision Bows are good value for their crafting time.
Bow of precision
The Bow of precision does not take long to craft and they sell for a good price. The main downside is looking for buyers. On a positive note, it makes it easier to stockpile the item.

The other downside is that it takes a while to unlock the Bow of precision. A lot of inferior bows have to be crafted before Bow of precision is available. On the plus side, by the time it is unlocked, there would likely be a lot of Hunting Bows available, which is one of the ingredients for the Bow of precision.

There is something I am trying out at the moment. First, I craft a pair of Floating boots.
Floating boots
Or a Conjuror's robe. Note that either of these items requires the rare ingredient Faery's Tears.
Conjuror's robe
Then I craft Magic Leaves.
Magic Leaves
I equip these items on an adventurer and sent him/her off to a dungeon to find more Acid and Faery's Tears.
Preparing an adventurer.
Hopefully, the adventurer will return with rare ingredients that I can use to craft more items! Also hopefully, the adventurer does not break the items I loaned him/her.

Meanwhile, I've to fend off customers who, sensing that I have crafted these rare items, have come demanding those items.

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