Friday, August 23, 2013

Swords & Potions 2: Week of Making Stuff

Another week has passed on Swords & Potions 2. This time round, I have found a clue for something I had wondered about before:
So that's a 'blog'-lodyte!
I assume that circular quest image up there is one of a bloglodyte.

Anyway, while doing business, it is worth considering that some items are not worth crafting for gold. For example, the Earth Staff:
Earth Staff
The Earth Staff requires an Enchanted Staff:
Enchanted Staff
Considering the crafting time and item prices, I would prefer to sell two Enchanted Staffs rather than one Earth Staff. This is also considering the fact that I am still having trouble keeping up with demand.

I still have to deal with unhappy customers:
How can she say nasty things with a bright smile!?
This week, I have improved my shop efficiency. One way to craft more items is to invest in upgrades that improve the chances of crafting double items. Another is to arrange resources close to the workstations.

I had noticed that my workers were taking long walks to retrieve resources for crafting. Thus, I had rearranged my whole shop so that the workstations that the workers use are close to the resources they need.
Shop arranged for efficiency.
The chest, where the workers deposit crafted items and retrieve products for crafting, should be placed as close as possible to all the workstations. The chest is the most visited furniture and thus, its placement is important.

I rotated all the resource bins so that they face the workstations. This way, workers do not have to walk around resource bins to retrieve resources.

While moving furniture, each resource bin has a row of footprints on one side - this is where workers step to draw resources from the bin. The bin should be rotated such that this row of footprints faces the row of footprints of the workstations. The workstation can only be rotated two directions. However, the resource bins can face all four directions. This is why I have my workstations at the back of the shop.

To improve even further, I could put the resource bins at the front, the workstations at the middle and the customer service area at the rear. This way, my workers have a shorter distance to walk at the start of the day. However, the customers would have to walk further. I decided against this because it just makes my shop look bad.

With this arrangement, I find my workers producing faster. The only downside to my arrangement is the distance the main worker takes to walk from the counter to his workstation but he's not as important as the other workers. :)
Upgrading the Garden needs what!?
Upgrading the Garden required 400 Noble's gloves. This is bad because the Noble's glove requires a gem to craft:
Noble's glove
And at that time, my city was only producing one gem each hour. Gem production has since been doubled but it is still going to take time to craft 400 Noble's gloves.

And I have to deal with an angry customer:
Customer makes demand.
Unfortunately, I had to turn him away since I needed Combat Staffs for another building upgrade:
Combat Staffs needed.
One really has to deal with lots of unhappy/angry customers in this game. At least they do not go on a homicidal rampage.

And then there is the time I have to deal with a customer asking for a rare item that I wish to keep for dungeons:
Time to distract him with a quest.

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