Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Driving Lesson Chapter 7 Page 1

Far ahead, rising above the cloud of dust, was a column of black smoke reaching up to the sky.

Should George be concerned that he was heading in that direction? Would there be danger? He had already been through a firefight. But they needed to pick up Mabel and Iona. Were they in trouble? Mabel sounded urgent in her call earlier.

As they rolled over the sand, Tricia glanced at the datapad in her hand intermittently. "Stop here," she said suddenly.

George hit the brakes. They were still a distance from the column of smoke, too far to see its source. He looked around. The surrounding terrain was plain, with little vegetation growing on the sandy ground.

"Where are they?" George asked.

"They're here," Tricia said. She had her eyes out her side of the vehicle.

George looked around again. There was nowhere to hide. The stunted bushes were too flimsy conceal anyone.

Then some of the sand off to his side moved. The sand parted as a figure rose from the ground. As the figure got to its feet, the boy was about to cry a warning when he recognized Mabel's armor.

Mabel hurried to the pickup. "Out, out, I'm driving!" she told George as she tossed her pack into one of the lockers in the back.

George climbed out of his seat just as Iona jumped onto the roll bars of the pickup from the back. "Missed me?" she asked with a bright grin. She shook some sand off her cloak.

Tricia collected her datapad and her guns and moved to the back seat. "Squirt, buckle up quick. If Mabel wants to drive, that means..."

"That means we've to get away, fast," Mabel interrupted as she jumped behind the wheel, "The Steel Turtle Grid are after us!" She slid her assault rifle into a holder by her feet and shifted into gear.

George guessed that that was the name of another waster gang. He also guessed that bullets would be flying soon. Since he would not be driving, he could concentrate on keeping himself safe. It did not comfort him much, though.

Iona climbed into the front passenger seat, in front of Tricia.

Tricia glanced at the column of smoke. "Didn't you blow everything up?"

"They were guarding their vehicles too closely, I couldn't get to them," Mabel said as she turned the pickup around, "I mined the exits and bombed one of their storage sheds instead."

Tricia examined the information on her datapad. "Looks like they had a couple of wheels out on patrol or something."

George glanced at the radar on the tall Vixen's datapad, then looked back behind the vehicle. He saw a couple of buggies as they appeared out of the dust in the distance.

"Three more incoming on our nine," Tricia reported.

Mabel glanced at the distant vehicles. "I didn't think the Grid had this many wheels out. Friends of yours?"

"It could be the Insect Clouded Terror that were after us earlier," Tricia replied.

"What kind of gang name is that?" Mabel asked, "It sounds like something off a random name generator." She adjusted their heading. "Let's see how they like each other."

"What's she doing?" George whispered the question to Tricia.

"Waster gangs generally aren't friendly with each other," Tricia told him, "Mab's taking a course that would bring those two groups together."

George realized what their driver was doing. Mabel was driving away from both groups of wasters. If their pursuers kept chasing after them, eventually, they would meet up with each other.

"They're getting along rather well, it appears," Tricia commented as she and George looked back at the five vehicles chasing after them, "I think they're exchanging pleasantries and gifts."

"Jeez, of all things..." Mabel exclaimed, "Plan B! I've got a little surprise for them. First, to put a little distance... hey, what's with the nitrous?"

"Oh, that," Tricia stated, "It was damaged in the previous fight. We didn't have time to look at it."

"Laura would've this fixed already!" Mabel glanced at the rearview mirror. "And they're getting close... and here comes the usual banter..."

Bullets peppered the back of the Vixen pickup.

Mabel shook a fist over her shoulder at their pursuers. "Hey, I said banter! Banter! You talk before shooting! What's with the silence!?"

"Maybe we knocked out their megaphones in the fight earlier," Tricia guessed.

"Not those on the Grids," Mabel retorted.

"Maybe they didn't pack any," Tricia said, "Hey, did you pack one of our own?"

"Oh... I guess I forgot."

"This will be a very quiet fight," Iona quipped.

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