Monday, January 3, 2011

Gloriously Messed-up Chapter 24 Page 3

Volleyball was not Annie's interest so she barely gave a glance at the demonstration of that game. She quickly walked over to the Basketball Team's half of the gymnasium.

Ursula was playing one-on-one against a familiar copper-haired boy - Jake, if Annie remembered the name correctly. The tall dark girl was really dexterous. Annie admired the skill with which Ursula dribbled the ball, keeping it away from Jake's outstretch hands. The boy eventually did manage to steal the ball, though.

Second Sis skipped beside Annie and patted her on the head, an unwelcome reminder of how far the younger sister had yet to grow. Carrie had her white and blue basketball jersey on. "Hey, Annie."

"Hi, Sis," Annie greeted evenly in reply.

"So why are you here?" Sis asked, "You thinking of joining?"

Annie looked up at her sister. "You can't be serious," she said.

Second Sis then smiled delightedly. "Oh, I know, you're here to see Darren, right?"

The blond boy was on the opposite side of the court but he was not why Annie was there. It was a good time to explain to Second Sis. "No. Listen, Sis, I am not interested in Darren. And he is not interested in me." She hoped.

"Oh, okay," Second Sis said nonchalantly as she faced the court, where a possible recruit was testing her skill against Ursula.

"You've absolutely no interest in Darren?" Annie asked incredulously.

"No," Carrie replied.

Okay, time for a Let-Me-Get-This-Straight. Second Sis had a crush on this guy since she was a freshman. She never had the nerve to tell him so. She chased poor Saki in public because she thought he was interested in her. She snapped when she discovered that Darren had a crush on her own little sister. And now, after of all of that, she just gave up on him!?

"Sis, is there someone else you're interested in now?" It was a hunch.

Annie did not need a reply. Second Sis was not observing the game. The younger girl followed her sister's eyes to see it focused on a black-haired boy, who was taking a photo of the game. Annie also noted that her sister was biting her lower lip.

"Keith? You're interested in Keith McDowell!?"

"Yes," Second Sis admitted shyly, "He's pretty handsome, isn't he?"

Second Sis was interested in Keith McDowell, Reporter-In-Training!? Annie had read a few of his stories and thought that they were pretty exaggerated, usually to the benefit of the reporter. Unscrupulous Reporter was a more suitable title. And Annie definitely did not want him to have 'Brother-In-Law' added to his list of titles.

Annie pulled her sister's hand for attention. "Sis?"

"Yeah?" Second Sis uttered absently.

"Do you remember that story Keith ran in the school paper? The one about you and Saki."

Second Sis' expression immediately clouded. She marched over to Keith and screamed, "You and I are so through!" She then stomped off.

Disaster averted! Yeah!

Keith had nearly dropped his camera in surprise. From his confused expression, Annie guessed that Second Sis had never told him of her affection either.

"Hey, what just happened?" asked Julia who had appeared beside Annie. She too was wearing her jersey and she carried a basket of bottled water.

Annie told her the whole love story of Carrie for Keith, all four sentences of it.

Julia laughed at the end. "You tell a good story, Annie. Have you considered joining the Journalism Club?"

And breath the same air as Keith!? No!!!


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