Friday, January 7, 2011

Gloriously Messed-up Chapter 28 Page 4

"Oh, you'll have memories from both lives. You'll be a person with two identities. Think of all the fun you'll have in the afterlife." He held a finger up. "If you had a wife in your previous life and a husband in this, you can introduce them to each other!"

"Very funny," Gloria commented dryly. She noted that he used the word 'if'. He was being cautious not to reveal too much about her other life or her future. "You just mixed up our souls for fun, didn't you?"

The stranger held his hands up, palms forward. "Oh, you've caught me!"

Gloria gaped at him. "You switched our souls just for your amusement!?"

"Er, yes," he admitted, "I do need some entertainment once in a while."

Annie was right. This stranger was indeed worse than Mother.

"So, have you decided?" the stranger asked seriously.

"There's only one choice," Gloria told him, "I have to go back. My-, Annie's family can't bear to lose her. I have to fix things with Sabine. With Connie too, if that is even possible after what I've heard. And Saki's probably worried about me. I mean, a car did hit me right in front of her."

"Very well then," the stranger approved.

"Is there any chance that Annie will switch back with me after this?" Gloria asked. It was a concern if Annie were to suddenly take back her life.

"No." The stranger shook his head. "She has made her choice."

Gloria took a breath. Was she really breathing? "How do I go back?" she asked.

The stranger pointed at her. "That dress is your link to this place. Just take it off and you'll be sent back."

Gloria folded her arms and stiffened her back. "You just love getting little girls naked, don't you?" she accused.

The stranger shrugged. "It was worth a try."

"So how do I really go back?" Gloria asked again.

"Just close your eyes. When you open it again, you'll be back in your world."

"You're not going to try to steal my clothes while my eyes are closed, are you?"

"Meh." The stranger shrugged again. "I can just watch you as you shower."

Gloria stared at the stranger through narrowed eyes. Great, now she had a possibly-invisible supernatural being observing her daily private rituals in the bathroom. Her next few showers were not going to be pleasant.

The girl shook her head. Then she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.


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