Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gloriously Messed-up Chapter 29 Page 3

Monday morning was the start of a new week of school.

Life was complicated.

Gloria had just found out that her life was not her own from a vision that might or might not have been a dream. Marie believed her and... declared that they were not sisters. They had never been from the start. Gloria only took the place of Marie's sister.


Time to get up and out of bed. It was still early. The shower should be free.

When Gloria was done with her shower, she took off her shower cap and got out of the shower stall. Pushing from her mind the suspicion that a certain supernatural being was watching her, she dried herself with her towel as she stepped across the bathroom. She emerged from the bathroom just as Carrie came out from her room.

"Annie!" Carrie protested. She snatched the towel and wrapped the little girl in it.


"You're naked!"

"Didn't you promise not to make an issue about my nudity some time ago?" Gloria reminded her.

"If you're going to parade naked in front of me all the time, I take that promise back!"

Then what was the point of making that promise in the first place!? Gloria rolled her eyes up and retreated to her room to get dressed. It was too early to have a loud argument.

At least Carrie was still her Second Sis. She seemed to be acting as she always had. One thing was certain, though - she could not trust her sister's promises.

"Good morning, Gloria," Marie greeted her when she arrived downstairs.

"Morning, Marie," Gloria greeted in return.

It was unsettling to call her by name. But as Marie had said, they were not sisters.

The pink unicorn lunch box was waiting for Gloria at her seat on the dining table. Marie must have packed it with yesterday's leftovers.

The short-haired girl was reading her magazine at breakfast as she always had. As usual, she finished her breakfast first and claimed the bathroom. Second Sis took her time with her food and provided the morning gossip. It was a wonder that she never ran out of nonsense to say.

Eventually the sisters were done with breakfast and Second Sis had her turn with the shower while Gloria did the dishes. When Second Sis was finally, finally done, Gloria brushed her teeth and got her bags together for school. Then the girls squeezed into Marie's compact for the trip to school.

Life continued on.


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