Thursday, August 4, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 11 Page 2

At the last bell of the week, Sandy spent a few minutes talking with her friends. Ariel noted that Sandy was not rushing home as the latter usually did. Sandy mumbled a vague excuse about having to meet someone.

Sandy decided to leave then so her friends would not ask any more questions. She hurried off to the cafeteria where she sat at an empty table to wait.

The cafeteria was mostly empty with only a few students there. Most of the stalls had already closed for the week. The drinks stall was still open. Another stall still had snacks.

Exactly fifteen minutes after the bell, Connie arrived alone at the cafeteria. She went straight to Sandy's table. "Hi, Sandy," she greeted. The redhead glanced at the drinks stall. "How about I buy us something to drink?"

"Okay. Hot chocolate would be nice."

"Hot chocolate it is, then." Connie left to buy the drinks. When she returned, she set a paper cup of hot chocolate before Sandy and sat opposite with one of her own.

"Thanks," said Sandy as she warmed her hands with the cup.

"I'm so glad school is over," Connie began.

Sandy nodded. "Yeah. I can finally relax."

"How do you relax at home?" Connie asked.

"Well... I like to lie in bed and listen to music."

"Same here." Connie smiled. "What music do you like?"

They chatted a little about music, about artistes, bands and songs.

At one point in their conversation, there was a pause. Then Connie asked, "Say, Sandy... have you ever done anything to me?"

Sandy blinked. "What do you mean?"

Connie looked into the brown-haired girl's eyes. "Funny things have been happening to me. You wouldn't happen to know anything, would you?"

"No," Sandy lied. Her heart beat a little faster as she did.

Connie sighed. Then to Sandy's relief, Connie changed the subject to things they did at home.

"Yeah, but I can't do that as often as I like," Sandy was saying, "Celeste needs to study sometimes so I can't have the music on."

"Who's Celeste? Your sister?" Connie questioned.

"Oh, no. She's my roommate."

Connie blinked. "Roommate?"

"Yeah... uh..." Sandy turned her eyes down to her half-empty cup. "I live in a girl's home."

Connie was still watching her. "I see."

Sandy's head came up. "But one day, I'll be rich!"

The redhead smiled. "Yeah, it's good to have ambition," she encouraged.

"I'll definitely be rich," Sandy insisted.

"So, what are you doing about it?"

Sandy looked down again. "Well, uh, I'm not sure... I got this card that says I'll be rich." She took out the fortune card that she always had with her from her back pocket and showed it to the redhead.

Connie unfolded the card and read the words. She smiled brightly. "Wow, it looks like you will be rich someday!"

Sandy smiled too. "I am!"

"That's great!" Connie leaned closer. "So, have you earned any money since you got that card? A job maybe?"

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