Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 29 Page 3

"When the time comes, the estate will be divided among the living beneficiaries. Anyone who dies before then, won't get anything. So you see, it's like a game for Mr Killington, even if he isn't around to see it played."

"Then I'll stay alive and get rich!" Sandy decided. "How long do I need to stay alive?"

"Until July."

February... March, April, May, June, July... five months away. Sandy had to last five months.

"Oh, and don't tell anyone about me or tonight," Selina told her.

"Why?" Sandy asked.

"Not everyone knows who the grandchild is," Selina explained, "That man earlier, Nick, must have found you through me. So if people knew who I am, they may be able to find who they're looking for through me."

"Okay, I'll keep the secret," Sandy promised.

However, Sandy felt that she was missing something in Selina's explanation. No need to worry about that. She was going to be rich and her fortune was going to come true. That was all that mattered.

(In her excitement, Sandy had forgotten to ask Selina what the latter's role was in Oscar Killington's game.)


Selina had not wanted to attract attention by pulling up in front of the house. So she dropped Sandy a short distance down the road, at a corner where the latter's house was within view.

Sandy jogged home along the pedestrian path paved with flagstones. She was barefooted and cold and desired physical comfort. Then as she reached the front door, she realized that she did not have the house key.

Fortunately, the front door was not locked.

When Sandy was in the warm confines of her home, after locking the front door, she paused to listen. The television was on again. A peek in the living room revealed that Mrs Reubens was watching the television.

"Went out for some fresh air?" the elderly caretaker asked.

"Yes, Mrs Reubens," Sandy lied.

"Okay." Mrs Reubens went back to watching the picture box.

Sandy went up to her room to find her roommate seated at their desk.

Celeste glanced at her as she stretched. "Hi, Sandy."

"Finished your homework?" Sandy asked.


"You were sleeping earlier."

Celeste yawned. "Yeah. Must be more tired than I thought. I've to finish this before I work tomorrow." She looked at Sandy. "What happened to your clothes?"

Sandy examined at her clothes. They were covered with dirt. There was even a dry twig sticking to her shoulder. "Oh, uh, I had this sudden urge to roll on the ground outside."

Celeste blew an amused snort. "That's just like you."

Sandy stepped to her cupboard for some clean clothes. "Yeah. Now I need a shower."

"Just go," Celeste hurried her, "I need to finish my homework."

It appeared that no one had noticed that she had been missing. Weird.

At least she knew that her fortune was going to come true. She was going to be rich! First thing after her shower, she was going to give her fortune card a kiss.


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