Thursday, August 11, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 17 Page 3

The memory of her lunch with her queen was still fresh on Sandy's mind after school. As she unlocked her bicycle, she recalled the warmth of the hot chocolate. And the fries had been delicious too, enough to add some taste to the leftovers Momma Lois had packed for her.

She wished she could have lunch with Connie everyday.

"Sandy," a familiar voice greeted her.

Sandy turned and saw the small familiar figure of Annie. "Yes."

"Would you be interested in a job?"

After so many weeks, Annie was offering her a job! And she had always paid well. Sandy was going to get rich at that rate.

"Yes," Sandy replied enthusiastically.

"Meet me in the auditorium dressing room in ten minutes," Annie whispered. Then the little girl hurried away.

Sandy secured her bicycle again and retrieved her schoolbag. She stepped out of the bicycle shed. It was freezing cold outside and the sky was dark but the prospect of being paid brightened her heart.

Ten minutes seemed endless to her but Sandy survived the wait. When the time came, Sandy hurried into the dark auditorium. The building was empty.

She moved down the columns of seats and made her way into the dressing room behind the stage. Annie was there with her handbag and her schoolbag at one of the dressing tables. The only source of light in the room were the bulbs around the mirror of the dressing table.

"Close the door," Annie told her.

Sandy obeyed. Then she stepped up to Annie and dropped her schoolbag next to the dressing table.

Annie looked directly into the taller girl's brown eyes. "For this job, you're going to need a dress."

"A nice dress?" Sandy sought clarification. She began to feel uneasy.

"Yes," Annie confirmed.

"I don't have one," Sandy said, "I have a few dresses, but not the nice ones like yours." Her uneasiness grew. Her left forefinger itched for the scratch of her right thumb.

"That's what we're here for." Annie opened her handbag and took out a length of measuring tape, a pen and a notepad. "I'll get you one."

"Really?" Sandy smiled. She was going to get a beautiful dress! All her uncertainty dissipated.

"Yes, but I'm going to need your measurements."

"Okay." Sandy stepped up and raised her arms so Annie could measure her.

"Good." Annie unrolled the tape. "Take off your jacket."

Sandy obeyed.

"The rest of your clothes too," Annie instructed.

"What?" Sandy asked.

"I need your exact measurements. Take off your clothes so I can get them."

"Here?" Sandy looked around the dim room. Her uncertainty had returned.

"Don't worry, we're alone," Annie assured her, "Let's do this quick so I can look for a dress."

"Well, okay," Sandy uttered as she undid the top button of her blouse.

Once she was in her underwear, she felt the chill of the room. But Sandy ignored her discomfort. She was going to get a nice beautiful dress. That was what mattered.

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