Saturday, August 13, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 19 Page 3

"Did you finish your homework Sandy?" Celeste asked.

"Halfway there," Sandy replied, smug that for once she had something to say other than admit that she had not started.

The residents of the Home were at the kitchen table, having a quiet Christmas dinner. Food on that special day was extravagant. There was roast beef with delicious gravy and mashed potatoes. There were soft drinks, juices and boiled vegetables. And later, there presumably was some sweet dessert.

Sandy did not know what was for dessert for she had not helped with the dinner preparations. Instead, she had been busy doing her homework, urged on by Momma Lois's voice on the CD player.

"That's one mighty powerful CD you gave Sandy, Momma," Celeste commented.

"I'm surprised it actually worked," Momma Lois at the head of the table said, "Should've made that long ago if I knew."

When it was time for dessert, Momma Lois went to one of the cabinets over the kitchen counter. "Well, Sandy," she addressed her brown-haired ward, "Looks like you deserve this." She took out from the cabinet a flat present, wrapped in red packaging. "Merry Christmas."

A second Christmas gift? Sandy accepted the present excitedly. Her fingers brushed the tape that held the packaging. "May I?"

Momma Lois smiled. "Yes, you may."

Sandy opened the gift to find a box. Within the box was a lady's beret. She ran her fingers over the green furry fabric and found it soft and pleasant to the touch. Then she tried it on. It was a perfect fit. "How do I look?"

"It looks good on you," Celeste said.

Sandy smiled brightly to her guardian. "Thanks, Momma Lois!" She could not wait for dinner to be over so she could go see herself in the mirror.


It rained gently the next morning.

After a wonderful Christmas day, one where she had received two gifts from Momma Lois, Sandy was happily warm and comfy, nestled under the coverings of her bed. The sound of light rain tapping on the roof and the cold temperature made her reluctant to get up.

Celeste would have none of it, though. "Sandy, time to wake up." She nudged her sleepy roommate. "Sandy, it's morning. Get up and eat your breakfast."

No, Sandy was way too comfortable to rise from bed.

There was a click, and then... "SANDRA GOULD, IT'S TIME TO GET OUT OF BED!"

At the sound of Momma Lois's voice, Sandy jumped up, only to bump her head on the bottom of the upper bunk. As she rubbed her forehead, she heard Celeste chuckling to herself. Her guardian's voice continued to urge her to get up, telling her to get ready for school.

But there should not be school that day. It was then that Sandy realized that her roommate had played Momma Lois's CD on the CD player.

Later, Celeste used the CD again to get Sandy to finish her homework.

Celeste had found the remote controller for Sandy.


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