Friday, August 5, 2011

Handful of Sand Chapter 12 Page 3

Connie grinned mischievously. "I want you to throw a water balloon at Annie."

Sandy nodded. "Okay."

"You have to throw it while I'm talking to her so she doesn't suspect me."


"Not just any water balloon, though," Connie added, "I want you to fill it with something nasty."

"Like what?"

Connie looked distantly with a playful smile on her face. Then her eyes fell on the toilet stalls. Her smile brightened as she turned back to Sandy. "Urine." She watched Sandy's face closely.

Sandy did not even blink. "Where can I get some?"

(The offer of money once again demonstrated its power over her.)

Connie leaned closer to Sandy. "You can use yours."

Sandy looked away. "Umm..."

The redhead's eyes became slits. "Not shy, are you?"

Sandy turned back immediately. "No, I'm just wondering how I'll get some."

"Just drink plenty of fluids at lunch," Connie suggested.

"Okay." Then Sandy paused to gather the courage to ask, "Um, how much will I be paid?"

Connie stated the same amount that she had offered before. It was still a small amount. But it was money.

"Just make sure you don't miss with the balloon," Connie added. Her face turned serious. "Annie's a small target. Don't you dare miss her and hit me instead."

Sandy swallowed. That was something she had to seriously consider.

Connie pointed a finger at her. "If you hit me, I'll be quite upset, understand?"

"You'll not pay me?" Sandy was very concerned.

Connie poked the other girl's shoulder with her finger. "I'll never give you another job ever again." She poked once more to emphasize her point.

Okay, that was a bigger risk than Sandy had thought. She needed to do the job well even though the pay was low. If she did it right, she would be able to get more jobs and more money later.

A thought suddenly crossed Sandy's mind. "Ah, Connie..."

"Yes?" Connie answered mildly.

"I'm going to need balloons."


"I don't have any money now."

Connie stared at her. From her cold expression, Sandy was afraid that her indirect request would be rejected, which of course meant no money since she could not do her job.

Then the redhead closed her eyes and sighed. "Okay, I'll get you some." She pulled her handphone out of her red handbag. "Say, can I have your handphone number?"

Sandy gave Connie her home number since she did not own a handphone.


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